(910) 579-2355
Copyright 2020 Management Solutions for Emergency Services All Rights Reserved
Hi, my name is Keith McGee, and I am the Fire Chief for the Calabash Fire Department. Thank you for taking a moment to visit our website and I certainly hope you find it interesting and informative. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and let you know a little bit about me, but more importantly the men and women who serve this growing community.
As a native North Carolinian, I am blessed to say that I don’t remember a time when the fire service wasn’t a part of my life. My father was an active firefighter with the Champion Volunteer Fire Department in Ferguson, NC, and I will forever be grateful for the fact that he had the patience to expose me to the brotherhood of the fire service early in my life. While attending college, I was hired by the City of Rocky Mount on August 19, 1991, and my municipal fire service began. During my time with the Rocky Mount Fire Department, I was blessed to serve alongside some of the most talented and dedicated firefighters in the profession. During my 23 years with the RMFD, I promoted through the ranks to the position of Division Chief of Operations. Despite my dedication to the RMFD, I was fortunate to be selected to become the Chief of the Apex Fire Department (AFD) in Wake County, NC, where I began in late December of 2014. Over my seven years serving as Fire Chief for Apex, we were able to transform the department into a premier organization that serves a dynamic community.
After retiring from municipal service, I was selected to join the Calabash Fire Department (CFD) as Fire Chief on July 1, 2022. As Chief, I am privileged to be tasked with leading a growing team of firefighters who demonstrate a true dedication to serving others. Moving forward, the CFD will continue to focus great effort towards being the best fire department that we can possibly be. I look forward to the future and ensuring that our department is constantly ready to serve the needs of this community.
(910) 579-2355
Copyright 2020 Management Solutions for Emergency Services All Rights Reserved